Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura
Snow Patrol - Chasing cars Bvpf10

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Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura
Snow Patrol - Chasing cars Bvpf10

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 Snow Patrol - Chasing cars

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MesajSubiect: Snow Patrol - Chasing cars   Snow Patrol - Chasing cars I_icon19Dum 10 Mar 2013, 12:07

-Snow Patrol - Chasing cars-

We'll do it all 
Everything on our own 
We don't need
Anything Or anyone

 If I lay here
 If I just lay here 
Would you lie with me
and just forget the world? 

I don't quite know 
How to say
 How I feel 
Those three words 
Are said too much 
They're not enough

 If I lay here 
If I just lay here 
Would you lie with me
and just forget the world? 
Forget what we're told 
Before we get too old 
Show me a garden
that's bursting into life

 Let's waste time Chasing cars
 Around our heads
 I need your grace
 To remind me 
To find my own

 If I lay here
 If I just lay here 
Would you lie with me
and just forget the world? 
Forget what we're told 
Before we get too old
 Show me a garden
that's bursting into life

 All that I am 
All that I ever was 
Is here in your perfect eyes,
They're all I can see
 I don't know where
 Confused about how as well
 Just know that these things
will never change for us at all

 If I lay here 
If I just lay here 
Would you lie wïth me
and just forget the world?       

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Snow Patrol - Chasing cars

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