Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura
Touch my wings. Feel my soul. Bvpf10

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Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura
Touch my wings. Feel my soul. Bvpf10

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Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura

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 Touch my wings. Feel my soul.

Vezi subiectul anterior Vezi subiectul urmator In jos 

Sex : masculin Varsta : 26
Localizare Localizare :
acebook acebook : Bogdan
Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 819
Puncte : 1112
Reputatie Reputatie : 153
Stare de spirit Stare de spirit : Anything Could Happen

Touch my wings. Feel my soul. Empty
MesajSubiect: Touch my wings. Feel my soul.   Touch my wings. Feel my soul. I_icon19Dum 12 Mai 2013, 10:02

An insecure feeling

I was waiting in the park,
for you, for my beloved person like I was a dog awaiting for food. I
couldn't understand what was the problem. I never couldn't let any sick
thought, any stupid habbit to break our relationship. While I was
replayng my thoughts and principles, you, magic woman, you made your
presence felt here. I don't know, but a couple of days ago, we were
stronger togheter, but now, something intervened through us, making us
more distant. I wanted to ask you what's the problem but I felt unsure.

You were walking slow, smiling at me. You sat down on the bench and as
soon as you've saw me you got closer and kissed me. Now, I felt you more
sure and I felt again the love from the first day when you told me ' I
love you '. I wanted to meet all your wishes and needs and I wanted to
listent to you thinking but I wasn't self-assured at all. I grabed your
hand and then I standed up; after me, you. You put your head on my
shoulder and asked me what to do this night. I wanted to buy for you an
ice cream or to go to a film. I don't know yet. Until now, you never let
me listen and meet your wishes. Maybe she was having a difficult, a
problem but if she does not want to tell me I will never know. ' Let's
sit again on a bench ', I told her. She, like a sad sentiment placed on
her face she put me on the bench carefully like I was tired. ' Now,
let's talk something. Do you have something to tell me ? ', I asked her
on an inappropriate tone. She let her head down and went a bit to the
edge of the bench : ' No, what happened with you ? I felt something
strange like a doubt on your face. I didn't wanted to ask you because
you already have another problems. I don't know what's the problem with
you by some days ago. If you invited me out, why are you screaming at me
like I did to you something miserable ? Why ? I'm telling you, it's not
the first time ? I'm sick of this! I don't have a problem, you are! You
don't know how to respect a girl!'. In this time I was thinking I made a
mistake. Maybe the inappropriate tone or the question went wrong. As a
regret I took her hand in my hand and I told her : ' I'm sorry. I didn't
wanted to make you upset. I thought you have a problem. I'm really
sorry, can you please forgive me ?' . Lauren slammed my hands on the
bench and left me here, alone. I, as a sadness, I went home, without
calling her but I let her a serious message.

Lauren, I already told you I'm sorry. I can't find the reason for your
sadness and you're angry. I don't know what made you angry. I don't know
if the problem it's here or there; the time is short yet; not even a
week pass so, I want to meet together at the Restaurant ' Boom ' and
talk about us ? What do you say ?

I don't know, maybe it was my fault. I don't know what was wrong there
but I shouldn't react like that at all. I'm really sorry. I don't know
if tomorrow we can meet, I have basketball training. I'll talk to you
later. Truly sorry. Love Lauren.


I was happy but worried also. From the last time I felt she happened
something but the problem is something is holding her to tell me. I will
make her tell me slowly and I promise, I'll finish her problems
immediately and I will make her see I'm a good boy!

Touch my wings. Feel my soul. Mhfux3
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Merite deosebite :
Touch my wings. Feel my soul. J5fdba
Sex : feminin Varsta : 24
Localizare Localizare : I can`t escape this place, it`s in my mind.
acebook acebook : Andreea

Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 4074
Puncte : 4605
Reputatie Reputatie : 205

Touch my wings. Feel my soul. Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Touch my wings. Feel my soul.   Touch my wings. Feel my soul. I_icon19Lun 13 Mai 2013, 19:38

Deci, inca o creeatie minunata de-a ta, doar ca pe enleza. Pe langa ca m-a captivat, ai si o idee foarte frumoasa. Mie imi place mult. Wow, deci m-ai lasat fara cuvinte. Nu stiu ce sa mai zic in continuare. Ei talent, nu gluma ( Sa nu te prind ca zici ca nu (D) ). Sper ca aduci urmatorul capitol repede ( cand poti). Te pup si mult spor! kiss

Touch my wings. Feel my soul. Tumblr_n9m1g40YwR1tzv1dpo1_500

When it rains
Look for rainbows
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Merite deosebite :
Touch my wings. Feel my soul. J5fdba
Sex : feminin Varsta : 27
Localizare Localizare : București
acebook acebook : Ema
Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 6696
Puncte : 7969
Reputatie Reputatie : 815

Touch my wings. Feel my soul. Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Touch my wings. Feel my soul.   Touch my wings. Feel my soul. I_icon19Dum 30 Iun 2013, 16:54

One Shot blocat la cererea autorului.
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Touch my wings. Feel my soul. Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Touch my wings. Feel my soul.   Touch my wings. Feel my soul. I_icon19

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Touch my wings. Feel my soul.

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