Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura
Un set, va rog Bvpf10

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Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura
Un set, va rog Bvpf10

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 Un set, va rog

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Merite deosebite :
Un set, va rog Asss10Un set, va rog J5fdba

Sex : feminin Varsta : 28
Localizare Localizare : București
acebook acebook : Geo Metaphose
Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 13823
Puncte : 18544
Reputatie Reputatie : 535

Un set, va rog Empty
MesajSubiect: Un set, va rog   Un set, va rog I_icon19Mier 09 Iul 2014, 15:06

  • Temă: Vreau o tema manga cu Orochimaru, o tema care sa puna in evidenta partea buna a acestuia

  • Culori dominante: Alb, negru, gri

  • Simplă/ compusă: compusa

  • Tip imagine:  PNG

  • Anime/real/desene animate: Anime

  • Text: da

  • Limba textului: engleza

  • Speciale: las la alegerea graficianului.

Multumesc anticipat graficianului care isi va face timp pentru set. kiss 
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Merite deosebite : Un set, va rog J5fdba
Sex : feminin Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 4061
Puncte : 5164
Reputatie Reputatie : 940

Un set, va rog Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un set, va rog   Un set, va rog I_icon19Mier 09 Iul 2014, 16:37

Un set, va rog Oaa10

Un set, va rog 33u94bb

They say that a white snake's molted skin have been
considered a symbol of good fortune and rebirth.

Un set, va rog Ossss10

Un set, va rog Osss10
"I want to obtain all the techniques and gain a true understanding of everything in this world. The first one
to mix blue and yellow called the new colour "green". I want to do something similar to that. If blue is the chakra,
then yellow is the seal, and green is the technique… Just as there is no end to the variety of colours, there
are so many thousands… tens of thousands of techniques in the world as well. But in order to obtain every possible
technique and truth, it would require an eternity. Only one who understands everything after spending such
t  i  m  e   o  n   t  h  i  s   c  a  n    b  e   f   i   t   t  i  n  g  l  y    c  a  l  l  e  d    t  h  e    U  l  t  i  m  a  t  e    B  e  i  n  g."

URL avatar:
Semnatura: [img][/img]

[font=century gothic][size=17]They say that a white snake's molted skin have been
considered a symbol of good fortune and rebirth.[/size][/font]

URL avatar2:
Semnatura2: [img][/img]

[font=BELLEROSE][size=29]I WANT TO MASTER ALL TECHNIQUES.[/size][/font]
[font=arial][size=10]"I want to obtain all the techniques and gain a true understanding of everything in this world. The first one
 to mix blue and yellow called the new colour "green". I want to do something similar to that. If blue is the chakra,
then yellow is the seal, and green is the technique… Just as there is no end to the variety of colours, there
are so many thousands… tens of thousands of techniques in the world as well. But in order to obtain every possible
technique and truth, it would require an eternity. Only one who understands everything after spending such
t  i  m  e   o  n   t  h  i  s   c  a  n    b  e   f   i   t   t  i  n  g  l  y    c  a  l  l  e  d    t  h  e    U  l  t  i  m  a  t  e    B  e  i  n  g."[/size][/font]

Sper că-ți place ^.^

Un set, va rog Hands10
Un set, va rog Pavese10
Sus In jos

Merite deosebite :
Un set, va rog Asss10Un set, va rog J5fdba

Sex : feminin Varsta : 28
Localizare Localizare : București
acebook acebook : Geo Metaphose
Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 13823
Puncte : 18544
Reputatie Reputatie : 535

Un set, va rog Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un set, va rog   Un set, va rog I_icon19Joi 10 Iul 2014, 13:25

Am rezolvat eu cu avatarul, nu mai cauta kiss
Sus In jos

Merite deosebite : Un set, va rog J5fdba
Sex : feminin Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 4061
Puncte : 5164
Reputatie Reputatie : 940

Un set, va rog Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un set, va rog   Un set, va rog I_icon19Joi 10 Iul 2014, 14:48

Îmi pare rău că n-am putut face mai mult -.-

Un set, va rog Hands10
Un set, va rog Pavese10
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Continut sponsorizat

Un set, va rog Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Un set, va rog   Un set, va rog I_icon19

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Un set, va rog

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