Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura
O cerere. Tot două seturi.. Bvpf10

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Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura
O cerere. Tot două seturi.. Bvpf10

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Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura

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 O cerere. Tot două seturi..

Vezi subiectul anterior Vezi subiectul urmator In jos 

Merite deosebite :
O cerere. Tot două seturi.. Asss10O cerere. Tot două seturi.. J5fdba

Sex : feminin Varsta : 28
Localizare Localizare : București
acebook acebook : Geo Metaphose
Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 13823
Puncte : 18544
Reputatie Reputatie : 535

O cerere. Tot două seturi.. Empty
MesajSubiect: O cerere. Tot două seturi..   O cerere. Tot două seturi.. I_icon19Mar 24 Feb 2015, 19:13

Ca și data trecută, sunt două seturi.

Primul set 
       Temă: Sakura (manga)
       Culori dominante: negru, gri, alb.

       Simplă/ compusă: las la alegerea graficianului
       Tip imagine: las la alegerea graficianului
       Anime/real/desene animate: anime
       Text: da
       Limba textului:engleză
       Speciale: Las la alegerea graficianului.

Al doilea set
 Temă: Sasuke (manga)
       Culori dominante: negru, gri, alb.

       Simplă/ compusă: las la alegerea graficianului
       Tip imagine: las la alegerea graficianului
       Anime/real/desene animate: anime
       Text: da
       Limba textului:engleză
       Speciale: Las la alegerea graficianului

Dacă se poate, vreau ca Daiana să se ocupe de cerere. Mulțumesc. kiss 
Sus In jos

Merite deosebite : O cerere. Tot două seturi.. J5fdba
Sex : feminin Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 4061
Puncte : 5164
Reputatie Reputatie : 940

O cerere. Tot două seturi.. Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: O cerere. Tot două seturi..   O cerere. Tot două seturi.. I_icon19Mier 25 Feb 2015, 22:31

O cerere. Tot două seturi.. Vgjvyc

O cerere. Tot două seturi.. 24otxky

I  l o v e  y o u  w i t h  a l l  m y  h e a r t !
I've always known in my heart, there was nothing I could have done for you. No matter what's happened, I still care for
you more than I can bear. If I could had taken all your pain onto myself to comfort you, I would have and here we are
again, and still all I can do is sit here and cry. If I still have a place in your heart, no matter how small it may be then
don't slip away any further! If we just all stayed together forever then things would go back to how they used to be.

—- —- —-sakura ◯ haruno—- —- —-—- —- —-—- —- —-—- —- —-—- —- —

O cerere. Tot două seturi.. Ve4tcg

O cerere. Tot două seturi.. 24otxky

O cerere. Tot două seturi.. 2r3i82v  I   A  M   A  N   A  V  E  N  G  E  R  O cerere. Tot două seturi.. 2r3i82v
Hey, Naruto. You have to save Sakura no matter what. I know you can save her. Once you've got her, carry her,
and run as far... and as fast as you can. Even if it's just for a while I'll be able to hold him in place. Never again!
I have already lost everything once before. I don't want to watch those precious to me die before my eyes again.

—- —- —-sasuke ● uchiha—- —- —-—- —- —-—- —- —-—- —- —-—- —- —

URL avatar:
Semnatura: [img][/img]

[font=Courier New][size=18][color=#909090]I  l o v e  y o u  w i t h  a l l  m y  h e a r t ![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=10]I've always known in my heart, there was nothing I could have done for you. No matter what's happened, I still care for
you more than I can bear. If I could had taken all your pain onto myself to comfort you, I would have and here we are
again, and still all I can do is sit here and cry. If I still have a place in your heart, no matter how small it may be then
don't slip away any further! If we just all stayed together forever then things would go back to how they used to be.[/size][/font]
[color=#A0A0A0]—- —- —-[/color][size=16][font=segoe print][color=#B0B0B0]sakura ◯[/color] [color=#C0C0C0]haruno[/color][/font][/size][color=#D0D0D0]—- —- —-—- —- —-—-[/color] [color=#E0E0E0]—- —-—- [/color]—- —-—- —- —

URL avatar:
Semnatura: [img][/img]

[img][/img]  [size=20][font=Courier New]I   A  M   A  N   A  V  E  N  G  E  R[/font][/size]  [img][/img]
[font=Arial][size=10]Hey, Naruto. You have to save Sakura no matter what. I know you can save her. Once you've got her, carry her,
and run as far... and as fast as you can. Even if it's just for a while I'll be able to hold him in place. Never again!
I have already lost everything once before. I don't want to watch those precious to me die before my eyes again.[/size][/font]
[color=#A0A0A0]—- —- —-[/color][size=16][font=segoe print][color=#B0B0B0]sasuke ●[/color] [color=#C0C0C0]uchiha[/color][/font][/size][color=#D0D0D0]—- —- —-—- —- —-—-[/color] [color=#E0E0E0]—- —-—- [/color]—- —-—- —- —

Dacă e ceva în neregulă, te rog să-mi spui ^^
Sus In jos

Merite deosebite :
O cerere. Tot două seturi.. Asss10O cerere. Tot două seturi.. J5fdba

Sex : feminin Varsta : 28
Localizare Localizare : București
acebook acebook : Geo Metaphose
Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 13823
Puncte : 18544
Reputatie Reputatie : 535

O cerere. Tot două seturi.. Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: O cerere. Tot două seturi..   O cerere. Tot două seturi.. I_icon19Mier 25 Feb 2015, 23:06

Sunt geniale. Mulțumesc.
Sus In jos
Continut sponsorizat

O cerere. Tot două seturi.. Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: O cerere. Tot două seturi..   O cerere. Tot două seturi.. I_icon19

Sus In jos

O cerere. Tot două seturi..

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