Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura
Simplu - Mr. Originality Bvpf10

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Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura
Simplu - Mr. Originality Bvpf10

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Anime. Naruto. Sasuke & Sakura

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 Simplu - Mr. Originality

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Merite deosebite :
Simplu - Mr. Originality Asss10Simplu - Mr. Originality J5fdba

Sex : feminin Varsta : 26
Localizare Localizare : .
acebook acebook : hässlich
Nr. mesaje Nr. mesaje : 13202
Puncte : 15767
Reputatie Reputatie : 858

Simplu - Mr. Originality Empty
MesajSubiect: Simplu - Mr. Originality   Simplu - Mr. Originality I_icon19Joi 24 Ian 2013, 20:32

Simplu - Mr. Originality

Yoo, la la la la la la
Hoooh, yeah
I'm the SIMPLU, I'm the Moga,
I'm the bboy dancing, the lova'
I'm the SIMPLU, I'm the Moga
Mr. Originality,
Come my way, come and see
Let me be your fantasy
(Come my way, ah, come my way, ah)
I'll be dreamin', at the gal (gal)
'Cause she really rocked my world (world)
Come down, selecta
Come down, selecta
Play my, play my song
Let the women dance
I'll be rubbin' on the thong.
To the left a, to the right a,
Jump around 'cause it's alright.
Oyoo, la la la la la la
Hoooh, yeah
I'm the SIMPLU, I'm the Moga,
I'm the bboy dancing, the lova'
I'm the SIMPLU, I'm the Moga
Ma pan ma pan the be
Say my sexy, be my one (one)
Got the bboys on da' run, run
Come down, selecta
Come down, selecta
Play my, play my song
Woman, get undressed
'Cause I got to get it on (on).
Oyoo, la la la la la la
Hoooh, yeah
I'm the SIMPLU, I'm the Moga,
I'm the bboy dancing, the lova'
I'm the SIMPLU, I'm the Moga
Due for the ren that's one the baby
She'aint gimme your love I've waited
Do for the rest I've done the baby
Doin' tonight...
Hey Mr. Originality,
Come and spend the nïght wïth me
Let me be your fantasy
(Come my way, ah, come my way, ah)
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Simplu - Mr. Originality

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